I'll be at Illogicon this weekend in Durham, NC January 9-11. Come on down to the and hear me say something dumb. This year, I'll be moderating two panels that I'm very excited about: "Make with the Funny" about humor in genre fiction, and "The Sporting Geek," about where sports fandom and geeky fandom collide (see below for full descriptions). Once again, I'll be paneling with some pretty smart folks, so it'll definitely be worth your while.
Friday, January 9
- Social Scientists' Science Fiction - 5 pm
There's no shortage of science fiction written by authors with Ph.D.s in the "hard sciences" (biology, chemistry, physics), and their expertise show up in everything from world building to alien physiology. But what about authors with educations in Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Linguistics, Economics, and so on? Is the SF experience redefined when it comes from social scientists instead? - Bwa Ha Ha Ha! - 9 pm
Sometimes we take so long creating protagonists that will appeal to readers, we forget to give the same depth and character to the enemy. Let's talk about some of the best literary villains, and techniques writers can use to make a truly memorable bad guy.
Saturday, January 10
Make with the Funny - Noon (I'm the moderator!)
Authors and artists talk about how they write humor in SF&F. They'll also share what books, movies, TV shows, and comics make them laugh the most. The panel itself will probably be funnier than this description you're reading now.
Sunday, January 11
The Sporting Geek - 1 pm (I'm the moderator!)
Being a nerd doesn't mean you have to shun sports. Sure, we'll talk mainstream stuff like basketball, football, baseball, and hockey, but we'll also delve into geek-friendly activities like rock climbing, running, and disc golf. Anything that's nerdy and sporty is fair game, from sabermetrics to fantasy sports like Quidditch and Calvinball.