Top Rope Belts lets you get your hands on your own title belt without having to hit anybody with a steel chair. Belts go anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000--a lot of money, but when I get my Rich and Famous Author Contract, I could see picking up the old-school WCW heaveyweight title belt.
Bill's blog. Writing, guitars, gratuitous Simpsons references, you'll find it all here. Almost certainly a waste of time for both you and the author. On the internet, that's actually a plus.
New column is up at Writer Unboxed: "You Need to Make These New Year’s Writing Resolutions"
Have a look-see at my new column at Writer Unboxed: You Need to Make These New Year’s Writing Resolutions.
Celebrate National Novel Writing Month every month! Remember, remember, the month of November, when you wrote and you wrote till you dropped? If you can write a novel in a month once, there’s no scientific reason you can’t maintain that pace all year long. By the end of the year you’ll have like three entire detective series, or half of an epic fantasy series. I mean, what have you been doing December through October, eating bonbons? Get to work! (Note: This article is published on January 18, so you’re already behind).
Click the link to read the whole damn thing.
I'll be paneling at Illogicon January 10-12
I'll be at Illogicon this weekend in Durham, NC. Come on down to the Embassy Suites Raleigh-Durham and hear me say something dumb. I'll be in some pretty interesting sessions with a bunch of smart people:
Friday, January 10
- 4 pm: The Fortunes of Small Press
- 9 pm: Lies with Words
Saturday, January 11
- 12 pm: Social Scientists' Science Fiction
Sunday, January 12
- 10 am: Advice for Fiction Writers
- 12 pm: Reading
- 1 pm: Fuck the Universal Translator!
- 4 pm: The Superhero Next Door
- 5 pm: New Trends in Speculative Fiction
New column: The Definitive List of Christmas Gifts for Writers
Photo credit: LMU Library
My new column is up at Writer Unboxed: "The Definitive List of Christmas Gifts for Writers." Head on over and take a look!
For Your Friend Who Writes Poetry: Inspiration
You know that friend of yours who doesn’t listen when you say that poetry is a dead art form? And who’d be a dynamite mystery novelist if she quit mucking around with unrhymed nonsense? Inspire her with some classic Agatha Christie. Inscribe it with encouraging words like, “Her work reminds me of yours,” or, “Don’t you just love complete sentences?” Don’t worry whether she likes it or not. You’re doing this out of love; it’s no coincidence that passive-aggression rhymes with massive affection.
The Definitive List of Christmas Gifts for Writers via Writer Unboxed
Wrestling Wednesday: Chris Jericho is the Man of 1004 Holds
Hold 2: Arm bar!
Hold 3: The moss-covered, three-handled, family gredunza!
Hold 4: Arm bar!
Jericho is the best.
Wrestling Wednesday: The Gobbledy Gooker
Enjoy some turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner.
My new column at Writer Unboxed: "The Mostly Complete Guide to Getting Your NaNoWriMo Novel Published"
You’re halfway through National Novel Writing Month, which means you’re 35 percent finished with your novel. What better time than now to start thinking about getting it published? I’ve got all the tips you need right here in my new Hacks for Hacks column at Writer Unboxed.
You may have heard a few editors and literary agents complain about the volume of NaNoWriMo submissions–they’d like you to think they dread December the way peasants living in the shadow of Dracula’s castle fear sunset. These agents aren’t talking to YOU, my special little snowflake. Those OTHER manuscripts have two things in common: They’re junk, and they’re not YOUR manuscript. Like the dairy-fresh chocolate-chip-cookie-dough ice cream hiding behind the fourteen tubs of freezer-burned vanilla in my icebox, your brilliance will never stand out more than when it’s submitted next to these wannabes.
The Mostly Complete Guide to Getting Your NaNoWriMo Novel Published via Writer Unboxed
The Ikea lamp commercial
One of my all-time favorite commercials. Helpful, too, since I have occasionally been crazy enough to feel sorry for things I own.
Wrestling Wednesday: The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez at Wrestlemania IX
From Caesar's Palace. Randy Savage at the announcer's table. The worst wrestling tights ever created. This is the 90s at its 90s-est
Wrestling Wednesday: NES Pro Wrestling
A winner is you!