
Bill's blog. Writing, guitars, gratuitous Simpsons references, you'll find i​t all here. Almost certainly a waste of time for both you and the author. On the internet, that's actually a plus.

Come see me at Illogicon V this weekend

I'll be at Illogicon this weekend in Durham, NC January 8-10. Come on down to the  and hear me say something dumb. This year, I'll once again moderate the "The Sporting Geek" panel about where sports fandom and geeky fandom collide (see below for full descriptions). I'll also be a panelist on the "Writing Stand-Out Superheroes" session. As per usual, I'll be paneling with some pretty smart folks, so it'll definitely be worth your while.

Friday, January 8

  • The Sporting Geek - 6-7 pm (I'm the moderator!)
    Being a nerd doesn't mean you have to shun sports. Sure, we'll talk mainstream stuff like basketball, football, baseball, and hockey, but we'll also delve into geek-friendly activities like rock climbing, running, and disc golf. Anything that's nerdy and sporty is fair game, from sabermetrics to fantasy sports like Quidditch and Calvinball. 

Sunday, January 10

Writing Stand-Out Superheroes - 10-11 am
I don't have a description for this session, but it's pretty much what it sounds like.